Monday, July 30, 2012
Those chips sucked. Had mc Donald's. Today. Then two beers. Then I asked the girl behind the bar to charge my phone and didn't feel bad about it.
Indifferent about going home. The fact is I'm not sleepy. Wouldn't mind a joint. Wouldn't mind a back rub. Wouldn't mind getting married in Vegas and making a son.
Wouldn't mind it if my son had an English accent blue eyes and brown hair. Wouldn't mind it if he was a scholar or an athlete or someone who mirrored his father out of respect.
What would I do If I created a monster.
I'm interested in a Popsicle and maybe some
Definitely a milkshake
I wish I was more exhausted.
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Hot pants and cheese
Lap. I am sweating. We are going to Spain's equivalent las Vegas. We are going to a music festival. We are high and he is sleeping. My hands are sweating into nothing into my iPhone.
I am out of this world.
I would advise my future self to
Know that this is the best I've felt in my life to date.
Friday, July 27, 2012
up your butt
i'd like to think we're the latter. sometimes a person or situation is so bland that you need a drink. but 'need' indicates dependency and you can't be dependent on anything. take these $3 panties i bought at forever 21. i really depended on them until the thong string broke off during a real fun time. you can't count on anything these days.
hey remember that time you bought me a thong in size XXL
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Shit balls shit
Don't you hate it when guys aren't prepared? They come over for a movie and forget that the only condoms you've ever purchased are XL because you're someone with pretentiously high expectations.
Probably shouldn't publish this though.
Snake bites and things similar
Looking like bugs bunny In heat in the summer isnt preferable.
Thinking about:
Face inflammation
Should be in bed
Am I an alcoholic?
How much is too much?
I easily get bored and un amused when in a relationship. This has lots to do with my short attention span and lack of empathy and over achieved sporadic disdain. Some come to me and don't get it. Some have the same problem and we use each other to feel good. There is nothing wrong with polygamy. Jk. Each other should be one word spelled like this EACHOTHER.
My boss yesterday told me this when referring to me and my pain and my baby wisdom teeth "don't drink. Can you stay one night without drinking and going out ?"
Sometimes I just can't handle her . I mean obviously, obviously NOT.
Monday, July 23, 2012
Friday, July 20, 2012
you should watch it.
other news, i ate everything in the universe last night. this has affected me emotionally and i am now listening to john mayor which is unusual.
Thursday, July 19, 2012
(but not like that)
a bore
today i watched a movie called 'attenberg' and felt gross. the first 5 minutes is of two girls making out in the most awkward and un-sexy way possible. and then i thought, what if this awkward ass scene is actually what's sexy? what is 'sexy' but an image conceived through mainstream media? and then i felt like a stoner without having smoked but having the subsequent thoughts that come from smoking.
i haven't watered my bonsai in 2 weeks and it's turning crispy. like it's saying, 'don't be selfish, take care of me.' i feel guilty and lazy.
this week is the same as last week
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
stop it just stop, no no no
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Highlight of my night
I popped a pimple today and let the juices flow all over my chin. This was gross but became grosser when K unknowingly kissed my chin, intact with pimple juice. I said, 'I just popped my pimple.' I was the only one that found this funny.
Then I checked my social networks and nurtured my growing village on my phone. K took his clothes off and began parading around the room knocking objects off with his penis.
This is probably what marriage is like.
I spend too much time on instagram
I am tired of seeing those ugly Jeffrey Campbell shoes
And ombre hair
And duckface in which the captions are completely unrelated
How do you get 60 likes on a picture of yourself
You try really hard, that's how
Maybe I should spend less time on instagram
and be less annoyed
fashion blogs
within 2010-2012
a substantial amount of skinny girls with no tits have been barging my dashboard.
me now
i enjoyed the first pudding and stopped enjoying food after but ate anyways as i felt i needed a large in take of sugar in order to feel better about melting on my couch on a saturday.
killing time should be illegal.
im fantasizing over the month of august, im doing this in a very obsessive way. like looking for flights and almost letting myself spend non existant money and lying to myself that it actually exists and thinking about the rent that i should be paying.
i want to throw the last chocolate pudding away. it only cost me 70 cents. i dont ever want to see it again. might give it to ramon or my cousin who is coming from the Philippines.
not very excited right now.
woke up from a nap and was motivated to eat chocolate pudding.
ran to the fridge after 2 seconds of being awake.
had a horrible movie on high blast. this was bothersome.
decided to turn an electric fan on and make my internet presence a lot stronger and drink a cold bottle of water.
not interested in much.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
old tits
twenty minutes ago i drank a beer and felt like a twenty two year old.
now i am sitting on the couch playing video games and i feel like a twelve year old.
three hours ago i tripped and landed on my hip and felt like a seventy nine year old.
fuck aging
Thursday, July 5, 2012
fuck a mirror
just so you get a mental image of me:
it is 2:34 pm and i am wearing pajamas and a bathrobe. my hair is up in a badly made bun that says 'i don't give a hoover dam.' i'm wearing glasses and no makeup and i've got this big juicy whitehead on my cheek that wants to give you a kiss. i need a pedicure, i need a manicure. i need a head transplant.
i should probably go to yoga today but i just want to sit here, indian-style, with my laptop and the world wide web.
thank goodness for carbs.
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
This is your fate
I drew this while incredibly high on the long drive back from sf. You can obviously tell what one of my biggest fears are