Wednesday, November 7, 2012

but you know what?

dont have a boyfriend because im too selfish to think about anyone but me and also because i like cooking rice alone and refreshing my facebook and receiving text messages from possible counter parts. like going on dates because people act weird but sometimes are comfortable and its all this one big ego boost. or not, or the opposite. had a dream that my dad was a drug addict. wrote him about it. wrote him about it in detail. thinking of that time when i complained to you about how jason was too short and you told me to tell him in a compelling tone that he should ¨work on his posture¨ miss the way we use to twirl those flags on the foot ball field. miss the way we werent aloud to be around each other for ¨the rest of our colorguard career¨ miss how our color guard career didnt last long. miss how we both moved away to different schools and hated most people around us as they felt boring. miss mac n cheese and lotion on my feet and rubbing my feet on your head and pretending i was 19.

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