Monday, June 18, 2012

mantras i have been living by lately that can help improve your attitude on life, or at least make you feel less alone

1. every situation is for a reason, even the shittiest ones
2. always find beauty in the tiniest of things or people
3. you could have it a lot worse
5. the universe works in mysterious ways
    don't question it
    just react
5. you could die tomorrow. are you living a fulfilling life?
6. at least you are sexy and don't look like precious tumale
7. it will get better
8. i put two number 5's
9. think ME ME ME
    make yourself happy
    before you make anyone else
    you fucking deserve it

i don't know if that will help
a couple months ago i was in a shit hole, mentally
i feel better now
it's all in the mind
and perspective

being alone is a good thing if you are constructive about it

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